4D Analytics

Formula Helper

When you open the Calculation Designer for a calculation point of certain units, the Formula Helper drop-down will displays suggested formulas that are relevant to the calculation points units.

Selecting one of the formulas will paste it into the calculation editor field. You can then edit the text and replace the text place holders with point references.

For example:

  1. If I were to create a Calculated Point with Units m/s.
    • On the Physical Quantities and Calculation Formulas dialog, the units m/s are mapped to a Physical Quantity of Linear Movement.
    • On the Physical Quantities and Calculation Formulas dialog, there are two formulas mapped to the Physical Quantity of Linear Movement.
    • In Calculation Designer for the calculated point with units of m/s, there are two entries in the Formula Helper drop-down.
  2. So, I might select the second option, and “{Distance}/{Time}” is pasted into the calculation editor.
  3. I could then edit this to replace the text placeholders (“Distance” and “Time”), with real point references.